Polkadot-JS UI is a web wallet meant for power users and developers. For everyday use, there are several user-friendly wallets funded by the Polkadot Treasury that support a plethora of features and platforms. Discover them on Polkadot's homepage.

The Polkadot-JS UI allows us to connect to multiple nodes which provide on-chain information and facilitate interaction with the network. While these nodes offer the same services, they may encounter occasional connection issues. In such cases, we can effortlessly switch to a different node with the same functionalities. This article will explain how to switch nodes and networks from the same menu.


Switching Nodes

If you're experiencing connection issues or having trouble making a transaction on Polkadot-JS UI, it can be useful to switch to another network node and try again.

1. To do this, first click on the current network on the top left. 


2. You will see several nodes by different hosts. Simply select the other node here.

3. Click the "Switch" button on top. 

Switching Networks

You can also use the same panel to switch to a completely different network, e.g. from Polkadot to Kusama.

1. On Polkadot-JS UI, click on the currently selected network on the top left. In the case below, we currently are on the Polkadot network.

2. In the panel that opens, select the network you want to switch to. We're selecting Kusama. There are several nodes available and it doesn't matter which is selected. Only if you experience some connection issues, switch to another one.

3. Click on the "Switch" button.

4. You are now on the Kusama network and can access your KSM accounts here.  

You can switch back to Polkadot or any other parachain in the same way. 

Check out this educational tutorial for a more detailed description: