Start your staking journey or explore more information about staking on Polkadot's Home Page. Discover the new Staking Dashboard that makes staking much easier and check our extensive article list to help you get started.


Polkadot-JS UI is a web wallet meant for power users and developers. For everyday use, there are several user-friendly wallets funded by the Polkadot Treasury that support a plethora of features and platforms. Discover them on Polkadot's homepage.

How to bond more funds to your stake

1. On Polkadot-JS UI, navigate to Network > Staking > Accounts

2. Click on the three dots next to your stash account, and select "Bond more funds" from the menu:

3. Enter the additional amount you want to bond. By default, it will be the maximum recommended amount:


Transaction fees can only be paid from your transferrable balance. Remember not to stake all of your funds; leave a small amount transferrable to cover any potential transaction costs.

4. After you've entered the amount you want to add to your stake, click the "Bond more" button. Review the details of your transaction, then click "Sign and Submit":

5. Sign the transaction, and that's it! You have now increased your stake.