Gifts on Polkadot and Kusama make it possible to send assets to your loved ones even if they don't already have an address or crypto experience.

If you have received an NFT as a gift, you can follow these steps to claim and access it.


Polkadot Asset Hub and Kusama Asset Hub (former Statemint and Statemine, respectively) are the system parachains that allow the creation of both fungible and non-fungible tokens. You can read more about them here.


How to claim your NFT


POAP NTFs might have been issued on Kusama Asset Hub (former Statemine). The UI is different than the screenshots below, themed after Kusama instead of Polkadot, but the claim process is the same.

1. Follow the link in the email you received. You will be asked if you want to claim the NFT to a new account or an existing one:

2. If you choose to claim to a new account, you'll be presented with a 12-word mnemonic phrase. Write it down on paper and keep it secret and safe. You'll be asked to enter two randomly selected words of the mnemonic phrase to confirm you have it saved:

If you choose to claim to an existing account instead, the claim page will connect to the Polkadot extension and ask you to select the account to claim to from the available accounts in the extension.

3. Then, you'll be asked to enter the gift code you received. Enter it and click "Verify Phrase." 

4. After a few seconds, your NFT will be in your account! Click on "See your NFT on Kodadot" and you'll be directed to your NFT on the Kodadot marketplace. For instructions on how to access your NFT on Kodadot, check the following section.


If you're claiming an NFT on Kusama Asset Hub, this page will direct you to Singular. Check the section below on how to access your NFTs on Singular.


Parity Signer doesn't support Polkadot Asset Hub or Kusama Asset Hub(former Statemint and Statemine, respectively) on versions lower than 5.0.0.

Don't claim your NFT to a Parity Signer account unless you have updated to the new version and have added Polkadot Asset Hub or Kusama Asset Hub as a network on the app.

What to do if you claimed your NFT to a new account

If you claimed your NFT to a new account, you need to download a compatible extension and restore the account using the mnemonic phrase you wrote down during the claim process. To restore the account in the Polkadot extension, check the instructions in this guide.

How to access your NFT after you claimed it

If you claimed your NFT,  you can now access it on an NFT marketplace or in a wallet that can show them. Below, we show how to access your NFT on two marketplaces: Kodadot and Singular.

Access your NFT on Kodadot

1. The first step is to connect the extension or wallet to Kodadot. Click "Connect" and then "Confirm". If it's the first time you connect your extension to Kodadot, a pop-up might appear asking to grant access to the site.

2. Select the wallet or extension and the account where you received the NFT.

3. From the next panel, click "View Profile."

4. On the account's profile, you can check the NFT owned by the account on different networks. From the drop-down menu, select "PolkadotHub" (Polkadot Asset Hub, former Statemint) or "KusamaHub" (Kusama Asset Hub, former Statemine) and that's it, your NFT should appear on the screen!

Access your NFT on Singular


Singular app currently only supports NFTs on the Kusama Asset Hub.

1. Visit the Singular app and click "Connect" in the top right corner of the page and choose "Select account":

Several browser extensions are supported:

2. In this guide, we are using the Polkadot extension. Grant Singular permission to access the extension, and choose the account you claimed your NFT to from the list.

3. After you connect the account, the "Your Space" button will appear:

4. In Your Space, choose Statemine network to see your NFTs on Kusama Asset Hub (previously Statemine):

5. That's it! You can view, gift, trade, or burn your NFTs on Singular.

If you prefer visual instructions, the following video goes through the process of claiming your NFT both to an existing and a new account. Remember that if you claim to a new account, you then need to import this account into the Polkadot extension in order to access your NFT.