Subwallet offers the option to import accounts from cold storage wallets, like Polkadot Vault or Ledger. In this article we explain how to add a Ledger account. To import your Polkadot Vault account, please read this article.


If you have any questions about how to import your Ledger account in Subwallet or run into any issues and require further assistance, feel free to ask our AI chatbot or contact us.

Alternatively, you can also read Subwallet's documentation or contact their team directly and receive specialized assistance from the team that developed the wallet.

You can contact Subwallet support either by joining their Discord server, on Telegram, or through email.

How to import your Ledger account


Subwallet is available as a mobile app for iOS and Android, as a browser extension, and as a web app. The UX and UI of all three platforms are pretty consistent.

Currently Ledger devices are supported only by the browser extension and the web app, not the mobile app.

The instructions below refer to adding a Polkadot Ledger account, but the process is the same for Kusama, or any other chain for which there is a Ledger app.

1. First, connect your Ledger to your computer and unlock it

2. Then open the Polkadot app on your Ledger

3. Open Subwallet and click on "All accounts" from any screen

4. On the screen that opens up, click on the little "Ledger icon" at the bottom right

5. Then select "Connect a Ledger device"

6. A new tab will open up in your browser with the following screen, waiting for you to connect your device. 


If instead of "Loading" you see "Fail to connect. Click to retry", simply click the button to try again. If the problem persists, make sure your Ledger device is properly connected to your computer.

For this, a pop up will appear in order to select the device you want to connect. In this example, it is "Nano X". Select it and click "Connect".

7. Then click "Connect Ledger device". If you wish to import an account on a different chain, make sure the corresponding app is open on Ledger and select the network from the drop-down menu.


Subwallet will try to import an account on the network selected in the drop-down menu (Polkadot by default). If you see a message like "Open Polkadot on Ledger to connect" this means that the open app on Ledger doesn't match the selected network in the drop-down menu.

8. On the following screen select which account you want to connect and click again "Connect Ledger device". 


In most cases you want to connect the first account in the list. If you've used your Ledger with other apps, like Ledger Live, that's the first account created by default.

9. You will be directed to the new account's page. At this point you can close the tab and access your account through the extension.


A Ledger account can be used only on one chain. Consequently, Subwallet only shows that account on the specific chain and does not allow you to use it on other chains.