Hardware wallets like Ledger can connect seamlessly to Talisman Wallet. In the following article, we will guide you through the process of importing accounts from Leger from Talisman Wallet.


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How to import a Ledger account

1. Open the Talisman Wallet extension, click the three horizontal dots ("More options"), and then select "Add account."

2. A new tab will present you with three options: "Create a new account," "Import an existing account," and "Connect Ledger, Polkadot Vault, etc." Click the third option "Connect Ledger, Polkadot Vault, etc.)."

3. Click on "Connect Ledger."

4. From the next screen, choose "Polkadot" to add any Substrate account (i.e., Polkadot, Kusama, most parachains, etc.). Select the network corresponding to your Ledger device's account.

5. Ensure your Ledger is unlocked, open the app for the network you want to import, and confirm that your device is properly connected to your computer. You should see a popup from your browser prompting you to select the connected Ledger.

6. After clicking "Continue," choose the Ledger account(s) you wish to import into Talisman Wallet and click "Continue".

7. And that's it! Your Ledger account(s) should appear in your Accounts tab in Talisman Wallet.