Fearless offers its wallet in two different versions: Fearless Wallet, which is a browser extension available for Chome-based browsers, and the Fearless app for your phone (available on both Android and iOS). The browser version serves as an ideal companion for accessing dApps within the Polkadot ecosystem, while the phone app empowers users to leverage Polkadot functionalities such as staking and participation in crowdloans, all from their phone device.

This article describes the process of creating a new account from both the Fearless browser extension and the Fearless phone app.


Fearless Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, which means that only you have access to your accounts. For this reason, it is imperative that you keep your mnemonic phrase safe. Without it, it is impossible to restore your account if you ever lose access to it.


If you have any questions about Fearless or run into any issues and require further assistance, feel free to ask our AI chatbot or contact us.

Alternatively, you can join their Telegram channel and receive specialized assistance from the team that developed the wallet.


Create an account on the Fearless browser extension

Once you have downloaded and installed the Fearless extension in your browser, you'll be presented with a brief overview of the wallet. After that short introduction, you'll be prompted to create a new account, connect the extension to your Fearless phone app, connect it to Google Drive, or import an existing wallet. This article will focus on creating a new account.

1. Click "Create a new wallet" to continue.

2. For your convenience, name your wallet to distinguish it from future accounts you might create. Once named, click "Continue."

3. The following screen will display a 12-word mnemonic phrase (or passphrase). It's important not to store it on any electronic device. Write down the mnemonic phrase in the correct order on a piece of paper and keep it in a secure location.


Write your mnemonic phrase on paper and store it in a safe and secret location! Do not share it with anyone!

Read about good practices to keep your backup safe on "How to Store Your Mnemonic Phrase and Backup File Safely."

4. After securely saving the passphrase, clicking the "I have written down the passphrase" button will prompt you to verify it. While this step is optional, it's highly recommended to ensure both the accuracy of the words and their order.

5. The following screen will prompt you to set up a password for your account.


The wallet password unlocks the wallet and shows the accounts in that specific device. Each account might have a different password to sign the extrinsics.

Make sure the passwords are strong and unique and that you are the only one who knows them.

Using a password manager to generate and store these passwords is highly recommended!

6. After clicking "Continue," that's it! Your brand new account will be ready to receive funds and operate! Click “Start using Fearless” to enter the main screen.

Create an account on the Fearless phone app

You can download the Fearless phone app for iOS (App store) and Android (Play Store and apk file). Select the one for your phone and just open the app.

1. You'll be welcomed with a screen with the options to create a new wallet or import it from other sources. Tap on "Create a new wallet".

2. On the next screen, you'll have the opportunity to name your new wallet. Giving it a unique name helps differentiate it from other wallets you may create or import. Tap "Continue" after assigning it a name.

3. On the following screen, a 12-word mnemonic phrase will appear. Avoid storing it on electronic devices. Write it down in the correct order on paper and store it securely. Tap on "Continue".


Write your mnemonic phrase on paper and store it in a safe and secret location! Do not share it with anyone!

Read about good practices to keep your backup safe on "How to Store Your Mnemonic Phrase and Backup File Safely"

4. After securely saving the passphrase, Fearless will ask for verification. While you can skip this step, it's strongly advised to confirm both the annotated words are the right ones and their sequence.

5. As the last step, Fearless will ask to set a 6-digit pin code and biometric access to protect your wallet.

6. And that's it! Your new wallet is completely functional and you can use it to receive funds and operate in the vast Polkadot ecosystem.