Fearless offers its wallet in two different versions: Fearless Wallet, which is a browser extension available for Chome-based browsers, and the Fearless app for your phone (available on both Android and iOS). The browser version serves as an ideal companion for accessing dApps within the Polkadot ecosystem, while the mobile app empowers users to leverage Polkadot functionalities such as staking and participation in crowdloans, all from their phone device.

This article helps you import an account on Fearless browser and phone wallets using a mnemonic phrase, raw private key, or an encrypted JSON file.


Fearless Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, which means that only you have access to your accounts. For this reason, it is imperative that you keep your mnemonic phrase safe. Without it, it is impossible to restore your account if you ever lose access to it.


If you have any questions about Fearless or run into any issues and require further assistance, feel free to ask our AI chatbot or contact us.

Alternatively, you can join their Telegram channel and receive specialized assistance from the team that developed the wallet.


How to import an account on the Fearless browser extension

1. Depending on whether Fearless already manages an account or not, you can access the menu to import an external account in two ways.

a. If you already have an account in the Fearless browser extension wallet and wish to import another one, click on the name of your current account in the "Wallet" section and select "Add wallet."

b. If you have just installed the Fearless browser extension and it does not manage any other account yet, or if you have completed the previous step, you'll be greeted with the screen below. To import an account on Fearless, you have the option to connect Fearless to your Google Drive account, but the steps below describe how to import it from the mnemonic phrase, a JSON file, or the raw seed. Click "Import wallet" to proceed to step 2.

2. On the next screen, click the top drop-down menu to reveal the three import options Fearless provides for accounts: mnemonic passphrase, raw seed, and via a JSON file. Choose your preferred option and proceed to the respective section below.

Importing the mnemonic passphrase

If you choose to import the account using the mnemonic phrase, you'll need to type each word of the phrase one by one, separated by a single space. Please note that the number of words, their order, and correct spelling are crucial for the mnemonic phrase to be considered correct.

After clicking "Continue," you will be prompted to name your imported account and assign it a new password.


If your mnemonic phrase appears invalid, follow the tips from our article: "My Mnemonic Phrase is Invalid!"

That's it! Your account should now appear in the 'Wallet' section of the Fearless browser extension, and you can start operating from it.

Importing the raw seed

If you own the raw seed of the account you wish to import into the Fearless browser extension, select that option from the "Import wallet" screen.

1. Paste the Substrate account raw seed and, after clicking "Continue," you'll have the option to add some parachain accounts using their own raw seed.

2. Next, you'll need to name your imported account.

3. Assign it a new password, and that's it! Your account should now appear in the "Wallet" section of the Fearless browser extension, and you can start operating from it!


If your raw seed (private key) doesn't start with 0x, add it manually in front of it.

Importing the JSON file

The JSON file is an alternative to back up your account with a password-encrypted file. Fearless offers the option to import the account using the file saved on your computer.

1. Select "Restore JSON" from the "Source Type" menu.

2. Click on the icon next to "Restore JSON for Substrate accounts." You will need to load the JSON file located on your computer.

3. After loading the JSON file, you need to enter the file password. Note that it is not a new password with which the file will be encrypted now but the password with which it was encrypted when the file was created.

4. After loading the JSON file and entering the password with which was encrypted, you'll be prompted to add EVM accounts from their own JSON files.

5. After clicking "Continue" your account should be added to your Fearless browser extension wallet, and you'll be ready to use it!

How to import an account on the Fearless mobile app

Accessing the menu where you can import an account in the Fearless mobile app will depend on whether you just installed the app (step 1a) or if your wallet is already managing other accounts (step 1b). Proceed according to your situation.

1a. If you do not have an account in Fearless, the welcoming screen will offer you the option to import one with the button "I already have a wallet." Tap on it and go to step 3.

1b. If your Fearless mobile app already manages some of your accounts, you can still add a new one by importing it. Tap the Fearless logo at the top-left corner of the wallet tab or navigate to the "Settings" tab and select "Wallets."

2. On the next screen, select "Import wallet."

3. The Fearless mobile app offers four ways to import an account: Using the mnemonic phrase, the raw seed, a JSON file, and connecting the Fearless mobile app to your Google Drive account. On the screen below, tap on the desired option and go to the respective section in this article.

Importing the mnemonic phrase

If you saved your mnemonic phrase and want to import it, follow the steps below:

1. Select “Menmonic phrase” from the “Source type” menu.

2. Name of your imported account.

3. Type the mnemonic phrase in the "Mnemonic passphrase" field. Please note that the number of words, their order, and correct spelling are crucial for the mnemonic phrase to be considered correct.


If your mnemonic phrase appears invalid, follow the tips from our article: "My Mnemonic Phrase is Invalid!"

4. After tapping "Continue," the account should be imported and added to your Fearless mobile wallet.

Importing the raw seed

Some wallets provide the option to export the raw seed (or "private key"), so you may find it helpful that Fearless can restore an account from it.

To import an account using its raw seed, follow the steps below:

1. Tap the “Raw seed” option from the top menu.

2. Name your account.

3. Paste the private key into the “Substrate account raw seed (64 hex symbols)” field.


If your raw seed (private key) doesn't start with 0x, add it manually in front of it.

4. Tap on "Continue" and you'll have the option to add some EVM parachain accounts from their own raw seed.

5. After the previous steps, your account should be added to your Fearless mobile app, and you'll be ready to use it!

Importing the JSON file

The JSON file is an alternative for backing up your account in a password-encrypted format. The Fearless app allows you to import the account by using the file stored on your phone.

1. Import an account using its JSON file by selecting the option from the "I already have a wallet" menu.

2. Tap on the menu "Restore JSON for Substrate accounts" and navigate on your phone to select and load the JSON file.

3. Name your imported account to differentiate it from other accounts you might have in Fearless.

4. Type the password that encrypts the JSON file.

5. Tap on "Continue," and you'll have the option to add some EVM parachain accounts from their own JSON file.

6. That's it! Your account has been imported on your Fearless mobile app!