In this article, we explore how you can view your account's history in Subwallet.


If you have any questions about how to view your transaction history on Subwallet or run into any issues and require further assistance, feel free to ask our AI chatbot or contact us.

Alternatively, you can also read Subwallet's documentation or contact their team directly and receive specialized assistance from the team that developed the wallet.

You can contact Subwallet support either by joining their Discord server, on Telegram, or through email.


Subwallet is available as a mobile app for iOS and Android, as a browser extension, and as a web app. The UX and UI of all three platforms are pretty consistent.

In this and other articles, we provide instructions for the browser extension. If there are differences between the extension and the mobile app, we'll make sure to point them out or provide separate instructions.

How to view the transaction history

1. From any page of the wallet, click on the account selection at the top to select the account you want to view the transaction history for. 

You can also select "All accounts" if you want to see the transaction history of all accounts.

2. Once you've made that selection, click on "History" on the bottom right


In the mobile, the transaction history button is located above your token balances.

3. In the screen that opens up, you can see all transactions that have been made for this account.


Subwallet only shows transactions that have been made in the wallet. Incoming transactions that weren't initiated in the wallet will not show up in the transaction history. 

Similarly, if you are managing an account in another wallet too, any transactions made from it won't show up in Subwallet.

If you selected "All accounts" previously, a transaction between two accounts in the wallet will show up both as outgoing (for the sending account) and incoming (for the receiving account).

4. If you click on a transaction, a new screen opens up with details about the transaction. For select networks, the button "View on explorer" will be available in order to see the transaction on a block explorer.

If you click on it, a new tab will open in your browser where you can see even more details about the transaction on a block explorer.