Polkawallet is account-focused, which means that you manage, view your tokens, and take actions with one account at a time. In this article, we show you how to switch between different accounts in your wallet, as well as different supported networks. 


If you have any questions about receiving funds in Polkawallet or run into any issues and require further assistance, feel free to ask our AI chatbot or contact us.

Alternatively, you can also search Polkawallet's documentation or contact their team directly through email, and receive specialized assistance from the team that developed the wallet.

How to switch accounts and networks

Switching accounts and/or networks is very simple.

1. From that "Assets" screen, click on the little "wallet" icon on the top left

2. In the new screen, you can see all the accounts in your wallet. The currently selected account is indicated with the checkmark. To switch accounts on the same network, simply select the account you want.

3. Also, on the left you see all the available networks. Select the network you want and then select the account.

In either case, you'll be taken back to the "Assets" screen with the new account and/or network selected.